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Your Precious Gift of Time Makes All the Difference

Maria Jose Orellana

For all those who have volunteered in the past few months, I  would like to thank you from my heart  for your time.

On Saturday, our handful of volunteers had a great time and I felt very lucky to count with all of you, we made the children feel important, and they really enjoyed the experience.

I’d also like to thank Hector Muñoz for his consistent generosity in donating corn tortillas to all of our partner programs, and for the time he spends every week teaching vulnerable urban children English twice a week.

Last month, two incredible volunteers joined Hearts of Gold to the deliver $800 worth of diapers, cleaning supplies, pencils, crayons and different crafts materials for the elderly at Casa de Nuestros Mayores in Paute. Thanks to an anonymous Cuencano donor and these lovely personalities, the seniors at this center for elderly care lit up with joy from our surprise visit.

And I’d like to send a very special thank you to all those who worked so hard to bring roofing tiles to rural Quingeo for their medical center. Without their help it could not have been possible to make such an important contribution to this community, a special thanks to Andres Peña administrator of Centro Comercial El Vergel who so kindly donated the tiles

It is a real honor to  have the chance to  work with you all on these programs; you’re really making such a wonderful difference in our community!

Les quiero mucho ?

Maria Jose Orellana



500 Chimborazo L-3 & Esmeraldas,

Cuenca, Ecuador

Registered Ecuadorian Charity: RUC 0190395251001

Phone: 099 865 3096

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