OSSO Orphanage Is Hearts of Gold’s Newest Affiliate for CAP Assistance Thanks to Global Wellness Ecuador
April 15, 2018
CUENCA—Orphanage Support Services Organization (OSSO) has been awarded a corporate sponsorship into the Hearts of Gold Community Assistance Program (CAP) through the generosity of Global Wellness Ecuador.
This is the first corporate sponsorship provided to Hearts of Gold and will make available the opportunity for OSSO’s leadership to attend educational workshops, developmental dialogues, mentoring hours, evaluations and additional resources for one year in the CAP program, as well as a monthly donation to pay for unique needs at the orphanage.
OSSO is an orphanage in Capulispamba that serves 22 children with special needs. The children, for the most part, suffer from grave diseases and are not very mobile. The orphanage provides full care, which includes accommodation, nutrition, medical care, medicines, therapies and education.
Global Wellness Ecuador is a relatively new company in Ecuador. Its founder is Richard Lortie, a long-time supporter of Hearts of Gold, who, with the initial success of his business, sought to make a significant contribution to a social cause, particularly an orphanage. Hearts of Gold performed a study and evaluation of area orphanages and OSSO was selected.
“The generosity of Global Wellness of Ecuador is so kind and genuine,” said Kelly Mitchell, program director of Hearts of Gold. “I see the company as a leading example of what can happen when a business is socially responsible. Its contribution will help OSSO become more sustainable as an organization.”
With its corporate contribution, OSSO will be provided advanced CAP assistance. It will be able to build its capacities in areas of strategy, fundraising, donor management, finance and governance, performance management, programs, marketing and communications.
The Hearts of Gold model is to ensure that each organization is ready to take opportunities that come their way. “By having OSSO in the CAP, we can be sure that they are prepared in each critical capacity area,” said Mitchell. “The plan is that once OSSO is ready to move forward, Hearts of Gold will work with them on a new project that can be financially sponsored by Global Wellness Ecuador.
“We are committed to strategic giving, where this generous donation can make a long-term impact on the organization and its beneficiaries. Hearts of Gold will act as a facilitator and mentor ensuring that the donation goes towards advancing OSSO’s long term vision.”