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Homes for Earthquake Victims in Portoviejo

Maria Jose Orellana

Hearts of Gold is pleased to announce its partnering with a new project for earthquake relief in Portoviejo.

The Ecuador Earthquake Relief Project: Homes for Portoviejo is being run by the Cardoso y Asociados architecture firm in Cuenca and The Undergrowth, artist organizers in North Carolina. The project will build 8 state-of-the-art homes for families in great need. Organizers of the project have collaborated with the Municipality of Puerto Viejo to provide land rights for each family and sort out all legal issues.

Organizers interviewed families in the community and selected 8 families based on their circumstances and hope for the future. Watch this video to learn more about the project.

One of the recipients is Azucena Moreira, whose home was destroyed by the earthquake that hit Ecuador on April 16th 2016. She is a single mother who is struggling to support her 3 children, one boy and two girls. Her older son Jesus suffers from cerebral palsy and is unable to speak. Azucena barely makes enough money to bring food to the table and has limited means to support the special needs of Jesus. Due to the earthquake, the family is living under an improvised roof with few of their belongings that were able to be rescued from under the rubble. Azucena`s home is the first of 8 houses that the project is building for families in extreme need in the city of Portoviejo, Ecuador through this campaign.

Help this project bring hope and joy to this family to assure them a better future by giving them a new home.  Make a Donation today and make a different in the life of Azucena and her son, Jesus.




500 Chimborazo L-3 & Esmeraldas,

Cuenca, Ecuador

Registered Ecuadorian Charity: RUC 0190395251001

Phone: 099 865 3096

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