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Empowering Communities from Within

Maria Jose Orellana

Some of our Leadership Class of 2018

It’s been over a year since we’ve launched this campaign, and you’ve helped us reach over $25,000 to fund our capacity building work in Ecuador! That is a HUGE success! We are delighted to continue reporting great news and updates with our work that YOU make possible!

We would like to continue to share with you exactly what we have been doing in this Community Assistance Program (CAP) and how YOUR support is making a long-term impact on nonprofit services in Ecuador!

With much pride, CETAP-Lucy, Fundación El Arenal, NOVA Education Center, and the OSSO Orphanage are sponsored members in the CAP. And thanks to the success of our women’s empowerment campaign, Mírame, a new women’s group from the rural town Sayusi will join as a member this quarter (stay tuned for more info!).

What does it exactly mean that a nonprofit is a “member” in the CAP? We’re glad you asked! Each member receives all workshops and dialogues at no cost, giving them an opportunity for 130+ hours of classroom time per year to work on technical skills in nonprofit management as well as personal development. On top of that, these nonprofits are receiving quarterly evaluations to review their progress and set goals, and are engaged in private mentoring hours with Hearts of Gold staff and field experts so they can target areas of improvement and becomes stronger, more sustainable organizations!

While this work may not sound “sexy”, it is the most strategic way to know that these nonprofits and their leaders continue to serve their communities – children, families, women, orphans, youth with special needs – and continue providing critical services that these populations depend upon!

Our calendar has been full this past quarter with inspiring, educational programs designed for Ecuadorian nonprofits! To give you a sneak peak:

  1. Our biggest event was the 5-day Leadership and Communication conference, where 14 leaders from 8 nonprofits came together for an intensive learning and personal growth experience! We also had last year’s Leadership Class of 2017 come together for a 2-day follow-up to talk about the development of their leadership style and any continuing challenges they are facing. Hearts of Gold is honored to have been selected two years in a row to host the European Libre Foundation and coordinate the only training of its kind in Ecuador!  See photos here!

  2. We also offered a dialogue session on self-love and self-esteem for nonprofit leaders and community members at large. This group, mostly consisting of women, came together to talk about how they can find balance in their lives to not only prioritize their work and their families, but their own selves, too.

  3. Our Volunteer Management 101 & 102 workshop brought together 11 nonprofit leaders to learn about how to attract, manage, and retain volunteers in their organizations! Many Ecuadorian nonprofits have small staffs and depend greatly on their volunteers to keep their programs afloat.

  4. The other important workshop that we hosted this month was Strategic Planning 201, where our pilot CAP members came together for an advanced session in how to prepare and perform strategic planning. We are so proud to see leaders of CETAP-Lucy, Fundación El Arenal, and NOVA thinking creatively and strategically in how to reach their goals!

Thanks to your support, we’ve been very busy! We’re also working with the Universidad de Cuenca and hosting 2 interns in Communication and Public Relations, which will help us to communicate better in the local community and spread the word about our work! We co-hosted an event for International Women’s Day where local women read their poetry with WED Ecuador and Asociación Rafalex. And, we are working with the local Municipality government on how we can work together and train even more nonprofits in Azuay!

Itching to learn more? Don’t forget to check out our 2017 Annual Report which highlights all of our work in 2017, and this graphic which highlights our work from January to March of 2018!!

We would like to express our gratitude to you, our Hearts of Gold family, for believing in us and being committed to this work in Ecuador.

Strategic Planning w/ CAP pilot members

We promote interactive learning techniques

Visiting our partner El Arenal

Nonprofit leaders building trust

Nonprofit leaders building trust



500 Chimborazo L-3 & Esmeraldas,

Cuenca, Ecuador

Registered Ecuadorian Charity: RUC 0190395251001

Phone: 099 865 3096

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